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In addition to our services, our parishioners offer our help and share God's love in the community in many ways.  

On a periodic basis, we offer Healing as part of our worship service.  All are welcome.

Our Parish is involved in helping our neighbors and ministries far beyond the walls of our sanctuary.  Whether by helping the Food Pantry, aiding and supporting our less able neighbors, or comforting those who need a shoulder, we strive to follow Jesus's command to love our neighbors.  


We have historically offered a Community Supper on a monthly basis.  While these have been suspended during the pandemic, we still provide Meals to Go monthly, and look forward to resuming our monthly evenings of outreach, good food, fun, and fellowship.


St. Mary's in the Mountains is an active, involved Parish.  In addition to our ministries within the Church, our members are involved in numerous other charities, and help our neighbors in many ways. We welcome all to join us.  You can also help our ministries through your donations. 

Tel: (802) 464-9341

13. E. Main Street

P.O. Box 1366

Wilmington, Vermont 05363

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About Us:

Saint Mary’s in the Mountains Episcopal Church welcomes all spiritual seekers. We minister to all through acts of faith, kindness and acceptance, which are the messages of God’s love.


13 E. Main Street

P.O. Box 1366

Wilmington, Vermont 05363

(802) 464-9341

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